6 Replies to “Penguins Save the World”

  1. Thank you so much! So wonderful to see the year 1 play today! Thank you Mr Moore and Mrs Beasley for all of your hard work and supporting the children.

    1. Thank you Liz! We are so pleased you enjoyed it. A huge thank you from Skipper 1 for the awesome Penguin white bellies. We really appreciate the effort you went to making them all for the class.

  2. Lovely pic! We absolutely loved the play, was a special performance to watch, the first one where we could watch live! So super proud of them all, they were fabulous! Thank you so much for all your hard work putting it together for us.

  3. So lovely! The children (and adults) did an amazing job. Thank you for all your hard work and allowing us to watch in person. It was brilliant!

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