Part two is dedicated to the part of the day I think the children will remember for a long time. Holding the chicks and ducklings. After we looked at the different size eggs the children were delighted to find the buckets that Tessa brought out contained chicks to look at. The children were shown how to pick them up carefully and how to get them back in the boxes if they made a bid for freedom. After a little while Tessa added a few ducklings into the mix and there were squeals of excitement from children and adults alike {mainly Miss G who kept ducks 20 something years ago and was seriously tempted to pocket a couple!).
Ask your child to demonstrate how to hold a chick.
What did they notice was different about the ducklings and chicks?
Can they remember the name for a baby gosling?
How did they feel when you touched them?
Talk about the lifecycle of a chicken.