Our new learning in maths is all about volume and mass. This week we have been measuring liquids and comparing the volume of water using cups to help us measure as well as learning about litres. We had fun trying to estimate what a litre looked and felt like using different containers.

Today we meet Vanessa Taylor, an author, ex-teacher and secret mermaid! She talked to us all about her book, Baller Boys. Ask your child about it, we’ve read a few chapters in school already. We had to participate by composing our own football celebration, reading a part of her new book and asking questions. She was a great inspiration and an engaging speaker.

As part of our DT work we have been learning about felt and designing our own bees to create a bee badge. So far we have learnt about where felt comes from and how it is made, designed our bees and practiced a running stitch. The sewing was very fun although quite tricky. We found keeping our running stitch consistent and in a straight line tricky but with practice we got better. We’ll keep you posted on our bee badge progression.

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